
Showing posts from December, 2016

Dear 2017

Something has been on my mind for awhile now with the holidays being present SELF REFLECTION!  I have no formal writing skills and I have a ton of grammar issues and I point that out because this isn't really for my viewership to be honest this is more just about me being me and feeling free enough to speak my mind. I would like you all to take an hour out of your day so you can reflect on this past year in a healthy way!  The highest HIGHS and the lowest LOWS and all those in between moments and learn the importance of them being there in your life!  Learn how to move forward into positive light from the lows and negative mindsets, really immerse yourself in YOU for a change!  The highs are always an amazing thing remember to be humbled by them not BOASTFUL, use the highs in a positive manner in helping other people become what they want in life or helping them get there which can be so rewarding and beneficial to most! So heres to an amazing year in 2016 and I hope 2017 brings