
Showing posts from July, 2016

Blame Breeds Rejection

Have you ever thought of how BLAME of one thing or another hurts EVERYONE around you?  Using this as an Example.  You and so so have a bad relationship because you blame them for something and they blame you for something so all this blame is out there in the open, stay with me, so then if the person who was blamed tried to help you would automatically reject this because you reject anything good they try and do because you have a negative opinion of them already and vice versa..... Think about it REALLY THINK. IM not saying don't blame the person for things they have done wrong, IM saying place the blame and move on, get over your feelings there because if not you will always reject them in some way shape or form you will always see them as a negative person in your life.  Try to always come from a place of love with them, we don't always receive things in the same manner but if we can all learn how to communicate affectively and receive people in a positive manner i...

Mutual Respect

We all have things in our lives or people for that matter that demand mutual respect pretty basic common thing, most of the time.  For most people differences, attitudes and opinions of things can be put aside but with that being said what happens when someone REALLY OFFENDS someone else?  What happens when you speak up about the offensive behavior?  Generally speaking were all old enough to know we speak up or we shut up or we passive aggressively try and tell the other person what they have done in some huge code word that normally people can't understand instead of using our words!  What I really love is when you tell someone your offended but they continue on down that same path and then they get their own feelings hurt because you no longer bother with them. Life is built upon mutual respect of others end of story if the relationship no longer serves a purpose (in my personal opinion I ) cut the bullshit.  My honest opinion of these types of situations are...

Fine Needle Biopsy

As most of you know from reading I was waiting to go get a fine needle biopsy done!  I got what they call an afirma test done.  The AFRIMA test is 96 % accurate on the cancer screening.  Along with the Afrima test they took 5 passes at my mass from different spots, they also remeasured this thing and its grown a bit from 3.56 to 3.61 CM.  Hello golfball!  The worry hasn't left because there are so many unknowns right now,  peoples words of kindness have be so appreciated. After the biopsy was done on Friday and I got to rest the entire weekend because they didn't want a hematoma to form in my neck.  I was very sore and swallowing was god awful the first day.  The biopsy itself was really just pressure in my neck but the odd feeling of being repeatedly poked to grab cells kinda like a sewing needle every pass was 15 seconds long and after the 2nd one I wasn't a happy camper and wasn't fully numb yet they used extra lidocaine on me. LOL  Red ...