
Showing posts from February, 2016

The Idea of Perfection

Were all human and everyone presents this perfect life when in reality no one can do everything perfectly.  So why do we have this fear of being bad or imperfect?  Why do we as humans think being perfect is necessary?  We all have this conception during life.  So I empower you to be bad without risk of going to jail.  But do something that makes you chuckle or indulge in something that you never get to do.  As a health coach people would probably think that Im not indulgent but this is far from the truth ( lets see I make ridiculous golf shots a lot and then can’t even hit the ball so I’m not perfect but I love GOLFING, my punctuation is crappy along with my grammar, I go to starbucks at least 2 times a week, I cuss regularly because I find it hilarious to say bad words, I sometimes put off cleaning the house for days because well I dunno I think my time is better spent elsewhere ).  In my early years I would prank my parents all the time ( though now...

Whats Your Happy

I'm writing about this because I've noticed many people seem to get the definition of happiness:   hap·pi·ness ˈhapēnəs/ noun the state of being happy. "she struggled to find happiness in her life" synonyms: pleasure ,  contentment ,  satisfa ction , cheerfulness,  merriment ,  gaiety ,  joy ,joyfulness,  joviality,  jollity ,  glee ,  deli ght , good spirits, lightheartedness, well -being ,  enjoyment ; confused with MATERIAL ITEMS THAT PEOPLE USE TO HELP MAKE THEM 'FEEL' HAPPY (the things you think make you happy because you can afford to buy them).  Material happiness buys objects for people and for that moment they can say how "happy" those items make them feel.  Happiness within a person is completely different. People cannot BUY happiness, they have to re-evaluate their lives.  This includes people's careers, families, friends, homes, these all need to be in a positive ...

Are You Eating Enough?

This topic comes from the wise old tale of if you eat less but exercise more you will lose weight… FAIL, NO, WTF, OMG……  Let me explain this.  If you eat less and workout more you’re creating a calorie deficit in theory, but your body is in starvation mode.   Further more if your running or walking for that matter daily 3 miles or more, plus lifting you will have to consume more to maintain……  Still with me?  So to all my readers that are gym goers let me ask you find yourself in a RUT with losing the weight, not seeing the gains you want, are you hungry all the time?  Chances are you’re not eating enough food to sustain your body so then your body eats the muscle so you will not make any gains or fat loss.  Eating no carbs is awful for your body, 100 to 150 grams of carbs a day is optimal for anyone ( carbs is the main fuel source is wanting to maintain and it becomes the back up fuel source when wanting to BURN FAT ).  Im not saying eat c...

How You Feel About Yourself is an Inside Job, Make Yourself a Priority

Recently Ive noticed more and more how I feel about myself.  Im loving the progress in the gym, I love my businesses, I have a life that is truly wonderful ( yes I have bad days just like everyone else ) but in general Im extremely happy and if Im not I try and fix things or work on them until my end goal is reached.  Ive started to notice that the more I take care of myself the better I feel.  I have a weakness for clothes they are expensive but there is nothing like a great pair of jeans and a swipe of mascara that doesn’t make me a happy girl just something about it turns my day around always.  So how do you celebrate yourself?  Do you allow yourself that one sweet treat?  Pay yourself compliments?  Buy yourself flowers or clothes what ever your vice is remember to celebrate you because theres only one of you, take the time for yourself on a weekly basis regardless of how others feel about it silly or not if its important to you, you will make this...