Whats Your Happy

I'm writing about this because I've noticed many people seem to get the definition of happiness:
  1. the state of being happy.
    "she struggled to find happiness in her life"
    synonyms:pleasurecontentmentsatisfaction, cheerfulness, merrimentgaietyjoy,joyfulness, joviality, jollitygleedelight, good spirits, lightheartedness,well-beingenjoyment;
confused with MATERIAL ITEMS THAT PEOPLE USE TO HELP MAKE THEM 'FEEL' HAPPY (the things you think make you happy because you can afford to buy them).  Material happiness buys objects for people and for that moment they can say how "happy" those items make them feel.  Happiness within a person is completely different. People cannot BUY happiness, they have to re-evaluate their lives.  This includes people's careers, families, friends, homes, these all need to be in a positive place for anyone to have a life they LOVE!  Both tangible and non-tangible items. I have met a lot of people who have this twisted as they compete with others. They see what another has and they want it, thinking it will bring them happiness…. Life isn’t always greener on the others side and jealousy of someone's material items is never positive.  Find contentment within yourself, find out who you are 100% and learn how to love yourself and your life first before anything else. Depend on only yourself.  Your happiness is your own choice. THINGS don’t make people happy, PEOPLE don't make you happy. They may help, but happiness comes from within first. RELATIONSHIPS with others can be positive or negative, if they are negative either figure out a way to make them better and work at them or find a way to exclude yourself.  Find YOUR happy, love yourself and your life first!  No one else can do this for you.

I was give some credit too my friend/proof reader this week Ms Heather Jones.  Look up Heathers Blog Heather is a kickass Cafe owner in PA!  If you're ever near Boalsburg PA look up The Jumpstation Cafe!  Tell her I sent you!!!!!  iinheatherj.wix.com/afewvegans  


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