Ramblings In My Head!
We all have a STORY. We all think this story is who we are but really they’re only events that have happened to us in the past, which we use to CREATE OUR STORY to tell others. Instead of looking at the positive side of every situation we turn it into we don’t have this because of this; I’m not succeeding because of this; I’m not good at whatever it is. Things come to us to teach us that are really out of our control but they are used to teach us things about ourselves and our life. Do not let your past dictate your happiness, which brings me to my second point.
Secondly, we forget to live life; we get so caught up in working for money so we have things that we can pay for, we forget to LOVE OUR WORK. Happiness within yourself is very hard to achieve. For most of us we have to really work on knowing what makes us happy or makes us tick. It’s the same with work; if your work isn’t interesting to you and you’re not enjoying your day, then maybe that job isn’t for you. Stop letting your degree from college dictate your JOB. Stop letting yourself get in your way because you’re afraid of what others will think or say about you.
I wanted to be a health coach for various reasons. This work makes me extremely happy; even if I have a rough day or a challenge, I will figure it out, because I genuinely love what I do. Don’t worry about the others’ thoughts on you and don’t let that fear of them talking about you dictate how you feel about yourself, your job or your life. It’s not worth it! Empower people positively around you, you don't have to agree with their choices but they're not yours to live out.
Thirdly, allow yourself to constantly grow and learn. NO ONE IS PERFECT. I’m not perfect. I don’t always have my shit together, and hell yes, I have disagreements with my husband, my friends and my family. The best part is that I continue to learn and grow. Stop allowing people to run overtop of you because you’re afraid to say no or upset someone. Don’t be selfish to yourself; know that you cannot control how your words will affect others; frankly it’s not your place, tip toeing around something isn’t fair to you either… say what you need to say, know that you have to care about yourself first.
Lastly, I use social media; I think we all do at some point or another in life. I’m going to put this out there…
it’s become a damn comparison game ( so stupid ). Your life will never be someones else's and to be clear people lives are never what they post to be about. Be proud of your life and the things you have created see photos for exactly what they are a photo of some cool trip or some milestone, but don't pity yourself afterward. I post positive quotes every day, because I get tired of seeing the negative things on Facebook… people telling me their dirty laundry on a status, complaining about their life, or using foul language repeatedly. I used to post my workouts daily on my status, because I thought it was hilarious to see that NO ONE liked it. I get a few likes here and there for my quotes, and guess what, after almost a year of doing this, I’m still doing it because if it helps at least one person, I’m good with that. Be proud of yourself without any outside influence, celebrate yourself cause at the end of the day the only person who can make you happy is in fact YOU, not your partner, not your friends or your family it starts with YOU. Those things like a spouse or partner, friends and family yes they HELP with happiness but they dont hold your key to happiness.
Keep it positive in 2016 there is enough negative crap going on in the world today the attitude from others isn't needed
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