Work Outs
Last week I ran or walked 3 miles a day since we have so much going on at home and to be honest I hate going to the gym everyday for cardio, LIFTING is different! I want to post my work outs for people just so they know what I do
Every 3 weeks I change my routine and the order of which i do muscle movements to in turn GIVING MY BODY A CHANGE why do you ask... well if you don't things be come repetitive and your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over and you begin to eat through your muscle and not have gains!
I eat ALOT 5 or 7 times a day, I literally snack all day long, I hate eating full meals so I have to snack to keep me going after every work out its protein and veggies then 2 hours later i have a carb being a sweet potato or a rice cake with some cream cheese on it, 2 hours after that I have like fruit and veggies, 2 hours later I have dinner which is always a protein a carb and veggies, before bed I like crackers and peanut butter.... OH yeah I've been eating this way for about 2 years now and I haven't gained a pound! I drink nothing but water or un sweet tea on occasion I may have a beer or wine or sparkling water
I generally do 2 cardio days for an hour of inclined walking, running, intervals, and HIIT
the other 3 days of the week I do 20 to 30 minutes of incline walking or running then I lift for a hour single muscle movements or I do 2 muscle movements at a time my rest periods are 30 seconds between sets. I have a work out partner, but some people may not if you need help or get stuck ask for a spot theres no shame in that and too be honest I won't go super heavy unless my work out partner is there with me!
Typical back work out
pull ups ( i can only do 5 pull ups before I need assistance ) 4 rounds of 5
lat pulls 4 rounds of 8 or 10 depending on how heavy I'm going
seated rows 4 round of 8 or 10 depending on weight
kettle bell swings 4 rounds of 15
deadlifts 4 rounds of 8 (85 lbs )
upright rows 4 rounds of 8
Bicep Workout
21 Guns ( google it ) 4 rounds
alternating biceps curls on the cables 4 rounds x12 reps
military curls 4 round 12 reps
ground cable curls as I call them 4 rounds 12 reps
Chest Workout
Chest Fly 4x12
Pec Fly 4 x12
Dumbbell Fly 4x12
Pushups 4x12
Pushups 4x12
Wide Grip, Narrow, Regular Bench Press 4x6 each grip i do 6 reps
Tricep workout
Tricep extension 4x15
skull crushers 4x15
dips4 x15
overhead tricep extension 4x15
shoulders, abs
hinges, like a book, lateral raises front and sides ( very light weight only coming to eye level ) 4x15
reverse crunches 50
crunches 50
flutters 50
hip thrusters 50
full weight sit ups 50
Leg Day ( no cardio on leg days ) I pick up to 4 for the day and go from there sometimes a little more and sometimes a little less if I'm exhausted i stop because I have nothing more to focus on or give my workout
walking lunges 4x12
squat and pull 5 rounds of 10 each
leg press 5 rounds of 10 each
single leg press 5 rounds of 10 each
jump squats 25
box jumps 15
ham string curls 5 rounds of 10 each
leg extensions 5 rounds of 10 each
zyercher squats 5 rounds of 10 each
front squats 5 rounds of 10 each
donkey kicks 50 total
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