I don't ever write about things that cause issues but today I kinda felt compelled to. Not really about policies are anything but about the 2 people running! Hillary and Trump they're extremely well known people, they both have made a ton of money in this lifetime and both are more than qualified to run this country ( again not talking about policies but the actual people with respect to their political experiences ). Let me say this you will never agree 100% with anything any politician says, there will always be that grey area that is a touchy subject with you. If you don't vote for the candidate that best suits you please don't bitch about it later, don't be an internet sensation of omg I hate the world if you did nothing to change the vote. With that being said Im urging all the people to vote according to their own beliefs and know that they made the decision based upon what they believe to be true. Which brings me to my next point the media will make you think something that may or may not be so accurate from their own beliefs and what not so take it with a grain of salt. Bring on the healthy debates among friends and family understand that people are thinking different things it doesn't mean they are wrong but hear them out, understand that their quality of life may differ greatly from yours and thats ok but talk, debate in a healthy way. Im all for a healthy debate i don't ever claim to understand politics shit I probably shouldn't even be writing about it but oh well. I have to look up big words too like delegate and electoral votes but thats not my point my point is get out there and VOTE, VOTE for your candidate because thats what you believe not what someone else put into your head!
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