Inspired by My epic day yesterday!

I haven't written in a VERY long time, been having way too much fun doing me things.  In the past months Ive really figured out who I am.  Id like to make this post inspiring to all ages of life.

  Over the past 4 or 5 years Ive changed drastically as a person.  I had no idea who I really was in 2013, I was going through a divorce, I was forced to stand on my own and I was forced to figure out who I was and what I wanted out of life.  In 2013 I started this journey when I started to date my now husband.  I needed to loose some weight but I also wanted to be confident in myself.  Walking into the gym I always wanted to be with someone leading the way, when my husband wouldn't ever work out with me it instantly became clear this wasn't about him this was about me!  I had a personal trainer for about a year and in that year though I learned how to lift I never saw gains until I worked out FOR MYSELF BY MYSELF. To this day though I like helping people work out, thats my alone time and I prefer to lift alone.  I don't lift to be skinny I lift to be fit and strong.  My weight fluctuates daily I don't give a crap about that, for I will always be a fat kid at heart!
 Ive become a nerd in the past 4 years I love to read and to learn new things and take them on, I'm perfectly ok with this or changing my path in life or even failing at something that I tried because after all we learn from the epic fails in life right so I call them teaching moments and I move on.  I don't tolerate people judging me for my path and I generally don't care about anyone elses paths as long as they are happy and productive then thats all I could ever ask for. I don't like grammar, I actually hate punctuation.  This doesn't make me uneducated or stupid or less than a proof reader this blog isn't for anyone but myself so I write the way I want enjoy it or don't I don't do overly polished!
 I love ALL MUSIC from rap to country Im happiest with a huge playlist miles of road to drive and the wind in my hair!  The point of this is never be ashamed of who you are, stand up for what you love and don't give a rats ass about anyones opinions but the ones that matter in your life!
 Lastly, if you're passionate about something be all in or all out don't half ass shit!  Im passionate about horses they don't talk, they're however very cute and can cheer anyone up with their own personalities!  Yesterday I figured out that I blame 70% of my bad rides on my spastic pony when in all actuality I forget the basics of riding daily!  Thankyou SULU!  <3 you

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