IVF the semi comical process of becoming pregnant

In-Vitro Fertilization is a very strange process.  Sometimes I wonder how we even made past a couple of things or as I call them speed bumps along the way.  At 36 I walked into the fertility clinic full of hope of maybe I really do have to relax and it'll happen. I laugh at that now but hey people always say that or when I say where going through IVF and they say no no just um.... try this ect.  Its ok really Im good with telling you I dont ovulate and its probably been a very long time since I have but mix that with a monthly cycle its like a cruel JOKE.

This past year and some change while getting ready for the big frozen embryo transfer has kept me on my toes as well ( however its been close to 5 full years of TRYING THINGS ).  I feel like theres always something lurking and ready to attack at an given time, the wrench in my plans at this point Im so used too.  Shit, somedays going through the process I would just ride the roller coaster and say WEEEE and try not to give a damn, the truth is though when you cannot control any of the outcomes you start to see it a little differently.

So right now were in this amazing holding pattern called the two week wait ( TWW) where the jokes get better and better.  The transfer has happened then they let you COOK for two full weeks.  Believe me typing it is way easier than saying it!  So the real deal is that the embryo is in you and they treat you like a pregnant woman until proven otherwise (PUPO ) another semi cruel joke.  So your over here in limbo basically like holy shit can I lift that or should I not drink coffee,  the lists are endless.  The worrying doesnt go away and well trying to explain to someone you may or may not be pregnant makes them scratch their damn heads.  The best thing Ive done this entire time is NOTHING EXCEPT clean, laundry, walked the neighborhood and stayed in my bubble, trust me when I say its been really nice.  Ive learned to sit and read for longer that ten minutes, Ive learned TV bores me,  Ive learned that my dogs for some reason SLEEP all day but go nuts when my hubby is home from work and I can operate my nitendo switch like a champ now ( incase you all were curious IVE DONE NOTHING for almost 2 weeks except me things and eating is super fun I get all the snacks ).  

We get a ton of questions but were good with that, the best question though is do you feel pregnant?  So here goes- I have not a clue what this means in the world because when I miscarried about 10 years ago it felt like a bad period.  My lady parts have always gotten sore, Ive always carried more weight around my stomach than Id like during my cycle ( THANKS PCOS ) and Im always MOODY.  Like seriously if I dont like you, you will know its not a secret.  SO, being pregnant for sure we will not know for awhile trust me when I say this that Im probably not going to update anyone for a very long time.  Until then though YES everything hurts (dont feel sorry for me or my body when knew what we were signing up for, Progestrone shots suck I get them daily the pills arent fun either neither are changing the patches, alot of the medication side effects though make you get fun symptoms like tender lady parts and things one would associate with being preggo), YES im constantly wondering like any person would and YES we say were PUPO because its helps with mental clarity and YES were excited to be at this point, furthest weve gotten without having to start over again!!

To the people who have helped cheer us on THANK YOU, THANKYOU for calling, texting or stopping by just because you know Im home, thank you for keeping me SANE and thank you for understanding that IM HUMAN and i cry far too often ( i used to not show emotion so this is progress ).  To my family who pushes us forward with the outpouring of love you guys rock at life Im truly appreciative of every single one of you!  To my amazing friends THANKYOU ALL.

With Love


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