Is Health Coaching for You?

Recently people ask what I do as a health coach.  To put it simply I teach people how to live a happy, healthy, balanced lifestyle.  I then often get the question but HOW after this.  In sessions we discuss things like career, relationships, goals for the future, spirituality, Physical Activity and also eating habits just to name a few.  This generally starts out with a Health History form you fill it out and we discuss it at a later date, then we decide if health coaching could help you in your own life.  Making small changes in your life to create the balanced lifestyle you’d like to have
My main goal with health coaching is to bring happiness, healthy balanced lifestyles to each person I come in contact with.  So if you think health coaching is for you or your interested in hearing about more and unlocking you’re own key to health and happiness please feel free to contact me.  

Keep It Positive in 2016

Please allow 24 hours for a response!  


Coach Felica


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