Positive Relationships
The older I've become, the more and more I find this valuable in my own life. I've met so many people on so many different journeys in life, some of them have influenced me positively, some negatively, and some a mix of both. A positive relationship is about mutual respect. If you cannot respect the other person then the relationship is null and void. I realize that this is all normal and a very common growing pain for most young adults. I find that in life people are put there to teach you something about yourself. For example: while I was growing up and through my twenties, most of my friends and I are no longer close. It doesn't mean we're not friends, it just means that over time we've grown apart and its no longer necessary or realistic to talk to them on a daily basis. This is all part of life and growing and it is completely normal to (at one point or another) feel alone in life when you're really not alone at all. Most of the people in my life through my twenties shaped me positively and I still speak to most of them here and there, but the negative relationships I've put up a wall.
Moving on into my thirties (ahhh SCARY OLD from my perspective, LOL) I've started to figure out myself much better and now the only relationships I will keep with people are the positive ones. The positive relationships that, no matter what the issue is ( good or bad ) or the time of day, this person has my back as I do theirs! I choose to put people from the negative category to the side and while I still speak to them, I put up a lot of boundaries of what I allow myself to tell them because in the past I've been hurt by their words or their actions. If your purpose in our relationship is to help build each other up, like 'I'm there for you', then we are on the same page.
So where do you stand in all of your relationships? Is there someone in your life you need to put on hold for awhile? Are your relationships as positive as you would like them? If people ask you why you aren't as close any longer would you be able to tell them? Do you think they would use it as a growing pain? Don't get offended at where other people are in their lives, instead be truthful! Yes, that's hard to do without hurting someone but life is too short to focus on the negative aspect or negative people
My friend Heather is a great sounding board while I write my blogs big shout out to her for helping me with this piece!
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