Vacation and self reflection

Everyone needs a break every once in awhile to get away from everyday life.  We recently went on a 12 Day trip to Seattle and Alaska we cruised Alaska, if you have never been there it needs to be on your bucket list we used this as our honeymoon we both had an amazing time.  In hindsight of this trip and even before Ive always practiced self reflection.  Getting away with only your immediate family is so nice and rewarding but it also allows you to self reflect on the past months in your own life!  Ive realized that since Ive graduated from IIN even when I was in the program I was changing for the better, generally speaking I was the girl who always needed self reassurance or someone else advice on how to proceed with any situation I could never do my own research and then move forward it was always someone elses view of something.  Now not so much I never really ask for advice unless I discuss something with my husband, if I want to do something I generally just do it and I don't need other people in my life like I used too I used to need people constantly every minute of everyday I had to be talking to someone or posting something or getting likes from other people on social media now though I generally post things its because I have found to valuable in my life to share with others.  I have very specific people in my life who like me are completely like minded as I am and we all seem to have the same common goals in life and life events, we are all a positive in each others life!  So go ahead and grow, move forward in life without apologizing to people, always treat others with kindness though, always have self awareness of people and feelings but remember to be true to yourself at the same time, be humbled by life and the experiences you have been faced with and given!  Use everything as a teacher in life!


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