The Idea of Perfection

Were all human and everyone presents this perfect life when in reality no one can do everything perfectly.  So why do we have this fear of being bad or imperfect?  Why do we as humans think being perfect is necessary?  We all have this conception during life.  So I empower you to be bad without risk of going to jail.  But do something that makes you chuckle or indulge in something that you never get to do.  As a health coach people would probably think that Im not indulgent but this is far from the truth ( lets see I make ridiculous golf shots a lot and then can’t even hit the ball so I’m not perfect but I love GOLFING, my punctuation is crappy along with my grammar, I go to starbucks at least 2 times a week, I cuss regularly because I find it hilarious to say bad words, I sometimes put off cleaning the house for days because well I dunno I think my time is better spent elsewhere ).  In my early years I would prank my parents all the time ( though now I think because I did this I now scare and startle super easily LOL ), they got so used to me saying  absurd things that they didn’t pay much attention after awhile but that was me being a kid, being BAD as people call it. I have learned that you cannot limit or restrict yourself so much that you cannot enjoy life.  A good rule of thumb is within moderation.   Its fun to be BAD once or twice a day get the giggles out and let loose.  For example we’ve all been told to not burp in public loudly sometimes its necessary just let it out and blame the person beside you.  The silly things that make you feel imperfect and embrace this!   Live your life to the fullest, savor every moment of it, remember that the key to health and happiness lives within us and we all have the power to change it!


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