Fun Fact of Eggs!!

Recently, I was at the store and a woman whom I had no idea who she was ( someone who worked there ) kept saying that EGGS were a DAIRY PRODUCT, common misconception by the public.  The misconception comes from the eggs being kept in the dairy section of the super markets.  Dairy products come from a mammary gland and chickens don’t have those.  Eggs are a protein that have been pasteurized so they require refrigeration. ( US Law requires this to be sold in stores it removes any contamination the egg might carry like salmonella etc ) . If you buy fresh local eggs and the farm doesn’t wash them, there is no reason to refrigerate them until they are washed. ( most people wash there eggs so that actually can break down the shell so the actual egg isn’t protected any longer to the best of the shells ability)  Additionally did you know that its generally 45 days after the egg has been produced that you see it arrive in the grocery stores, that eggs can been used up to a month after the expiration or sell by date as long as theres  nothing visibly wrong with them. 

I was completely inspired by Cora Poage check out her website and blog posts.  

As always keep it positive in 2016 


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