Curve Ball of Knowledge America

Hey Folks!  
Before I write this Im in now way trying to sway a political response or feedback because though this pertains to the election this isn’t about a political stance.

Now thats outta the way I can begin!  

I just wanna throw this curve ball out there lets talk about the MR TRUMPS issue with his words.  YES , Its wrong, Yes I agree with a majority of America who say its wrong.  But at one point do we then move on?  Let me re phrase that at what point do WE OWN THAT WE HAVE ALL USED THE SAME WORDS BEFORE.  WE ALL HAVE.  So your friend is acting like a P***Y and you say that outloud oh hey guess what you just did the same thing as MR TRUMP.  Regardless of how you meant it or if it was a male or a female you did it, THINK ABOUT THAT the next time you have something to say.  This man has apologized to the public, stop crucifying him for the same words we all have used and down to the real issues hindering the UNITED STATES which is bigger than words!  


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