True Love

 So this week specifically on Sunday October the 9th my husband and  I will celebrate being married a year.  The word marriage to most means the same thing in sickness and in health, to love unconditionally ect but for me it takes on a new meaning that it never had before.  What I mean by that is most people myself included like the idea of marriage until the marriage becomes hard. ( since I was married before I can honestly say that I had no business getting married when I did, but the personal growth after was astonishing ) Most people say you shouldn't have to work hard and I disagree for a few reasons you're going to fight, your going to say hateful awful things and your going to have to realize that they're just words. ( this is the gods to honest truth its gonna sting ).   You're going to feel tested sometimes and your going to have to remember to breathe.  You're  going to have to communicate for better or worse and lay it on the line and put your pride aside sometimes and get your feelings hurt.
 Not that the first year is crazy hard or anything but we had a lot of SHIT happen to us.  Starting from Early in March right on into now something was always going on lets see I totaled a brand new car I had just bought.  It took a month to get a new one of the same kind so we were in limbo there because the insurance company wouldn't pay for me to get a rental for that long of a period, luckily the dealership that I had been doing business with was gracious enough to loan me a vehicle until mine had arrived.  My 15 year old dog that Ive had since a pup has had more than his fair share of sickness since march constantly being rushed to the vet for about 2 months in a row.  June I found out that I had some lump on my neck which took the whole summer of back and fourth to get diagnosed which eventually led us to having surgery on my plum sized toxic nodule.
 But with all these things that happened to us I fell more and more in love everyday with my husband for helping me understand that though I was going through all this he was as well, I never really realized this until my car accident.  I never really understood that every emotion that I was feeling he was feeling too, that no matter how many tears I shed he was always going to be by my side, no matter how sick or how big my nodule was I was always beautiful and he was going to carry on with that brave face and say we will get through this no matter what because this is for better or worse.  I could go on and on about him, but Ill spare you.  He truly is one of the best parts of my day!
  My point is that I wish I could say that I supported his every need when he needed someone the most with all the added stress.  I tried and he knows I did my very best and I know my day will come where he will need me the same ways I needed him and I will gladly step up.  My husband is an absolute saint, Im so blessed and lucky have to a man who kicks my ass when I need it, loves me unconditionally through anything in this world, tells me that Im beautiful everyday, no matter my mood always wants to be around me and by the grace of god hasn't ever turned his back on me.  True love is very hard to find and its not always easy but thats life, we all know the things to fight for and the things not too.
So this one is for the love of my life!  Thank you for just being you, thank you for all the love and support throughout the last 4 years and I hope we get 100 more just like it!


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