Making Money ISNT the Purpose of my Health Coaching Career~

 Recently I had a friend ask me how my business was doing, I said Im thriving, Im not where I want to be yet professionally.  Im definitely happy with how Im running things and how well I have done in 6 months time!
 I want to break things down for my viewers and start from my story in 2013 which a majority of you if you know me personally know already.  I wasn't always this happy nor did I understand that happiness was created from within oneself.  I thought happiness was depending on other people to run my life, make all my decisions for me, or buying things I didn't need.  I thought relationships were great if people needed me constantly to help them but I got nothing in return but a huge slap in the face.  I also had this idea about how I should look and I starved myself eating little to no food to loose weight even though I knew better because of my education and background in Food and Nutrition.   I hold a Masters Degree in Food and Nutrition which oddly enough made me more self- conscious than I had ever been.  The reason Im writing all this down is because all of this plus a push from my husband to be better than my yesterday led me to HEALTH COACH people to a balanced positive health lifestyle!
 Most if not all people think I'm lying when I say I had no idea what it meant to be healthy and balanced 4 years ago, they see me now and could never imagine the hot mess I was then.  Im also not writing this to get praise but to show that I have had more than my fair share of challenges in life as well, not just the rosey things I post or talk about.   Which also leads into this, I don't health coach people to make a mass amount of money Im happy if I help one person a month.  I feel like this because this is the life I have created and no amount of money from clients would make me happy except to see them succeed in their own passions and life goals.  I think people who hear me talk sometimes get the wrong idea, yes I have a great client base, yes I think Im doing well for myself but thats not money talking thats my clients and the countless people I have helped become balanced and happier in their own lives.
Take away message is this I cannot stress about the money I make or don't make for that matter as long as my morals and values are all adding up into a positive life for me thats all that really matters. Besides helping my clients to become the individuals they want to become and to help them obtain their life goals and passions!


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