
Showing posts from 2016

Dear 2017

Something has been on my mind for awhile now with the holidays being present SELF REFLECTION!  I have no formal writing skills and I have a ton of grammar issues and I point that out because this isn't really for my viewership to be honest this is more just about me being me and feeling free enough to speak my mind. I would like you all to take an hour out of your day so you can reflect on this past year in a healthy way!  The highest HIGHS and the lowest LOWS and all those in between moments and learn the importance of them being there in your life!  Learn how to move forward into positive light from the lows and negative mindsets, really immerse yourself in YOU for a change!  The highs are always an amazing thing remember to be humbled by them not BOASTFUL, use the highs in a positive manner in helping other people become what they want in life or helping them get there which can be so rewarding and beneficial to most! So heres to an amazing year in 2016 and I h...

Be Thankful

With THANKSGIVING coming up which in my family is major family time I get so excited to catch up with them.  I want to remind people of this be THANKFUL for everyone and everything in your life.  I try and always have a realistic approach to life events like well this happened but, this could have be way worse type attitude and too see the silver lining in everything regarding life/life events.  Lately, I feel like I have been tested so frequently Im missing the bigger picture with things I cannot control others and their actions around me, but I can control how I respond to them.  Great lesson to learn this time of year especially with the holidays coming up.  SO take everything you've been dealt and pour a cup of THANKFULNESS, GRATITUDE and GRACE and remember that life is about what you can GIVE others not what they CAN GIVE YOU. Best Coach Felicia Have a Blessed and HAPPY THANKSGIVING.  I will still be responding to emails and clients until next T...

Social Media Content

For the most part the people who follow this are already on my work page and know that I post things to social media only if I find them helpful and inspirational in general.  My personal page is much like my work page as it generally shares the same content and photos of my life.  Lately Ive found myself cutting ties with people on social media because of a few reasons I find the content negative or I don't even communicate with these people unless its through social media.  Lately Ive been really ridding myself of social media use and thinking to myself when did it become so important for me to tell the world what Im doing and so fourth.  Not that its important to actually do this but social media as a whole has changed.  Its used to be a place to just chat and catch up on life and now its used for self esteem, stalk or bully someone.  How did it go from something so positive to something so negative and then when we don't have that contact we freak out i...

Women and the Idea That WE have to be PERFECT

So over the past few weeks Ive done a ton of self reflection and Ive touched on this subject before but this one is mainly for my lady readers.  The idea that we have to be perfect human beings came from where?  I have no idea but were so fucking hard on ourselves.  Why do we feel the need to be a certain weight or think that we have to look a certain way to make another person happy.  These ideas are total bullshit.   Im a very strong minded woman, overly passionate about life and Im always down for a great heated conversation with others but something I cannot stand is the self fucking shaming people, mostly women like today in the locker room at the gym oh my god Im fat here and here and here, I noticed nothing on this girl so naturally I blurted out well youre not fat.  She had seen me lifting she said your all muscle and I replied with you are as well but your blinded by self shaming to see it.  As soon as I said that the tears were flowing and I...

West Coast Time

Last week I had the chance to get to go on travel with my husband to California while he was working.  Its not often our schedules match up or I can even take time with having a very busy schedule here but we made it happen. Ahh California treated me very well and I loved every minute of it minus the city, too me was HUGE and Im more of a country girl.  The one thing I did notice was how everyone was super happy and positive through-out the whole trip every person I came across was always happy and smiling most would attribute that to the weather and loads of vitamin D but I think its something more.  I don't think I heard one person complain about life or their respective jobs once it was pretty incredible.  So whats the west coast got that the east coast doesn't besides pretty great weather?  THEY HAVE TIME, by that I mean no one is in a rush unless youre on the interstate.  Life seems to be moving slower out there than here on the east coast and I LOVED...

Have You Ever Noticed Your Own Passive Aggressive Behaviors

The reason I want to talk about this is for the main one that people don't realize how passive aggressive they are.  Over the past year Ive noticed Im even passive aggressive and when its done too me I literally loose my marbles because to be completely honest it fucking sucks!  So lets begin with me since Ive brought this up, Ive noticed that if I'm annoyed with someones questions/questioning I will sometimes answer a question with a question this is a passive aggressive behavior.  Im working very hard to create a positive life and in doing so sometimes we all need to change things.  Another one I can't stand is the questioning on text messages without the whole damn story, don't question someone because your upset with them be an adult and say what you mean.  Tell the whole story and not a half truth too or just the half you want the other person to know because you think they won't find out later, the truth will always come out regardless of if you meant fo...

Curve Ball of Knowledge America

Hey Folks!   Before I write this Im in now way trying to sway a political response or feedback because though this pertains to the election this isn’t about a political stance. Now thats outta the way I can begin!   I just wanna throw this curve ball out there lets talk about the MR TRUMPS issue with his words.  YES , Its wrong, Yes I agree with a majority of America who say its wrong.  But at one point do we then move on?  Let me re phrase that at what point do WE OWN THAT WE HAVE ALL USED THE SAME WORDS BEFORE.  WE ALL HAVE.  So your friend is acting like a P***Y and you say that outloud oh hey guess what you just did the same thing as MR TRUMP.  Regardless of how you meant it or if it was a male or a female you did it, THINK ABOUT THAT the next time you have something to say.  This man has apologized to the public, stop crucifying him for the same words we all have used and down to the real issues hindering the UNITED STATES whic...

True Love

 So this week specifically on Sunday October the 9th my husband and  I will celebrate being married a year.  The word marriage to most means the same thing in sickness and in health, to love unconditionally ect but for me it takes on a new meaning that it never had before.  What I mean by that is most people myself included like the idea of marriage until the marriage becomes hard. ( since I was married before I can honestly say that I had no business getting married when I did, but the personal growth after was astonishing ) Most people say you shouldn't have to work hard and I disagree for a few reasons you're going to fight, your going to say hateful awful things and your going to have to realize that they're just words. ( this is the gods to honest truth its gonna sting ).   You're going to feel tested sometimes and your going to have to remember to breathe.  You're  going to have to communicate for better or worse and lay it on the line and put yo...

3 Week Post Operation

So last week on Friday I had to come to the realization that recovery wasn't going to be quick and I was really upset by this.  Since the mass was larger than expected its taken a bit longer to heal.  Im starting to turn my neck and stretch things now.  Ive been walking daily at least a mile with the drs permission and not alone yet because I still get dizzy sometimes.  I will start driving around our neighborhood this weekend to make sure I can turn my neck as quick as I need too!  I hope to be driving next week and be out the house a bit more!  Im pretty proud of myself though I worked 3 days this week and even did my invoices!  I can't wait to get back in the gym and back to riding though they won't let me do either until Im cleared to so after this coming week hopefully! Just want to say a huge thank you to all my family and friends who have supported me over the past weeks!


I don't ever write about things that cause issues but today I kinda felt compelled to.  Not really about policies are anything but about the 2 people running!  Hillary and Trump they're extremely well known people, they both have made a ton of money in this lifetime and both are more than qualified to run this country ( again not talking about policies but the actual people with respect to their political experiences ).  Let me say this you will never agree 100% with anything any politician says, there will always be that grey area that is a touchy subject with you.  If you don't vote for the candidate that best suits you please don't bitch about it later, don't be an internet sensation of omg I hate the world if you did nothing to change the vote.  With that being said Im urging all the people to vote according to their own beliefs and know that they made the decision based upon what they believe to be true.  Which brings me to my next point the media will...

Vacation and self reflection

Everyone needs a break every once in awhile to get away from everyday life.  We recently went on a 12 Day trip to Seattle and Alaska we cruised Alaska, if you have never been there it needs to be on your bucket list we used this as our honeymoon we both had an amazing time.  In hindsight of this trip and even before Ive always practiced self reflection.  Getting away with only your immediate family is so nice and rewarding but it also allows you to self reflect on the past months in your own life!  Ive realized that since Ive graduated from IIN even when I was in the program I was changing for the better, generally speaking I was the girl who always needed self reassurance or someone else advice on how to proceed with any situation I could never do my own research and then move forward it was always someone elses view of something.  Now not so much I never really ask for advice unless I discuss something with my husband, if I want to do something I generally jus...

Blame Breeds Rejection

Have you ever thought of how BLAME of one thing or another hurts EVERYONE around you?  Using this as an Example.  You and so so have a bad relationship because you blame them for something and they blame you for something so all this blame is out there in the open, stay with me, so then if the person who was blamed tried to help you would automatically reject this because you reject anything good they try and do because you have a negative opinion of them already and vice versa..... Think about it REALLY THINK. IM not saying don't blame the person for things they have done wrong, IM saying place the blame and move on, get over your feelings there because if not you will always reject them in some way shape or form you will always see them as a negative person in your life.  Try to always come from a place of love with them, we don't always receive things in the same manner but if we can all learn how to communicate affectively and receive people in a positive manner i...

Mutual Respect

We all have things in our lives or people for that matter that demand mutual respect pretty basic common thing, most of the time.  For most people differences, attitudes and opinions of things can be put aside but with that being said what happens when someone REALLY OFFENDS someone else?  What happens when you speak up about the offensive behavior?  Generally speaking were all old enough to know we speak up or we shut up or we passive aggressively try and tell the other person what they have done in some huge code word that normally people can't understand instead of using our words!  What I really love is when you tell someone your offended but they continue on down that same path and then they get their own feelings hurt because you no longer bother with them. Life is built upon mutual respect of others end of story if the relationship no longer serves a purpose (in my personal opinion I ) cut the bullshit.  My honest opinion of these types of situations are...

Fine Needle Biopsy

As most of you know from reading I was waiting to go get a fine needle biopsy done!  I got what they call an afirma test done.  The AFRIMA test is 96 % accurate on the cancer screening.  Along with the Afrima test they took 5 passes at my mass from different spots, they also remeasured this thing and its grown a bit from 3.56 to 3.61 CM.  Hello golfball!  The worry hasn't left because there are so many unknowns right now,  peoples words of kindness have be so appreciated. After the biopsy was done on Friday and I got to rest the entire weekend because they didn't want a hematoma to form in my neck.  I was very sore and swallowing was god awful the first day.  The biopsy itself was really just pressure in my neck but the odd feeling of being repeatedly poked to grab cells kinda like a sewing needle every pass was 15 seconds long and after the 2nd one I wasn't a happy camper and wasn't fully numb yet they used extra lidocaine on me. LOL  Red ...

updates on me!

Yesterday I saw a wonderful surgeon since I wasn't loving the treatment received with the other practice here in the area.   So we found out a bit of information yesterday very valuable stuff.  The radiology report is suspicious to the doctor just because of the hypervascularity of the ultrasound.  Again we won't know anything until I have the Fine Needle Biopsy done on July 8th.  The doctor also confirmed that I will have surgery regardless on this tumor because of the sheer size of it, its the size of a golf ball.  My vocal cords are not impaired at this time so thats a very good thing.  Im very raspy in the mornings and evenings and this is very normal, I have a dry cough and it can sometimes be very hard to swallow as well as the fatigue of my body being stressed out from this tumor.  The other lobe of my thyroid is just fine nothing else to report no hidden nodules or inflammation. Depending on what this tumor is being malignant or benign will de...

Update The Brave Face

For most of you who know me personally for about 3 weeks now Ive put on a brave face and said well I can't do anything about the lump in my neck except go to the doctor.  For the people who don't already know my diagnosis is a solitary thyroid nodule about 3.56 mm in diameter, they're sending me for a biopsy this coming week.  In most cases these tumors are benign  but about 25% of them are malignant.  Most of the time regardless of the biopsy finding they need to be removed. Truth be told Im scared shitless.  Im scared Im angry Im sad Im so many things right now its so hard to explain.  The brave face works for awhile but right now Im just scared.  Scared because though this type of thing is generally curable its the unknown factors right now.  My husband deserves an award for the tears that I have shed and putting up with the moments that I can't keep it together.  Ive never met someone so selfless before, he's literally the most amazing p...

Dear Random Lump On My Neck ( this was written over a few days )

So this past week has been a roller coaster of sorts for us here in this household.  I went to the lady doctor for a yearly ( sorry TMI ) everything was normal but a random lump he found at the base of my neck.  You can only see the lump as I swallow or tilt my head backwards.  I exercise I have a pretty good diet and so finding MR RANDOM LUMP has thrown us for a loop.  Yes its in the general thyroid area but seeing as my obgyn is sending me to the ENT over the ENDOCRINOLOGIST leads me to believe this lump isn't my thyroid, with that being said I was told that I would be having more issues than not knowing the lump was there.  So this lump is painless, I feel a bit more tired than normal some days but not everyday I could attest this as well being to the dogs in our bed and the TV on and in general Im the lightest sleeper ever even when exhausted!  For the last week Ive kept o n my normal lifting schedule, though Im really focusing on only doing cardio for ...

A little Blurb about standing up for yourself!

I believe in second chances, I also believe people can change if they want too.  With that being said  theres a few rules to things in life.  If people genuinely care and go out of their way to try and be apart of your life and vice versa don't take that lightly, because the more you push them away the further they will drift. Once people realize that their actions speak louder than words with others maybe they will completely understand.  Don't only call me or talk to me when you need my help or Im your last resort because I won't be there in that negative space.  This is how I choose to live my life, now is my time to be confident in saying anyone who comes near me should have the same intentions with me as I do with them for being a door mat for people isn't my thing. Positive self love. I make up my own mind.  I speak the truth!


Something that Ive been pondering lately one in particular is why can't people seem to get things done by themselves?  When did we become a generation to depend on everyone else in our lives to make things happen?  We did we become a generation that blames everything in our lives on why we can't accomplish something?  I can't wrap my head around this idea, maybe because I think differently or that I'm pretty damn independent.  I think about this in a few ways but the simplest is this if we have a job and we do our job we never blame others for not getting our job done, its our own fault if we didn't get it accomplished in a timely manner etc.  So in other terms of thinking why isn't this adopted with everything in life? So, I guess you all can come to your own conclusions here but my conclusion is this stop waiting for someone to lead you to your future or your own success, stop waiting for the extra help you may or may not need cause the truth is that you can ...

Never Understood

Ive never really understood the value of taking care of myself up until a few years ago.  Thats when I had realized I was at my heaviest weight and I wasn't happy.  I was also going through a divorce at the time.  Though the road to get here to where I am today wasn't easy it made me wonder how people don't take care of themselves at all in todays world.  I wonder about this a lot actually if people know that exercise is good for them and has proven benefits then why don't they partake in this?  If people know that certain social activities aren't good for them then why hang out with people who entertain those things?  If people want to loose weight then why can't they seem to ever eat right or within moderation?  Theres a thousand of these things floating around in my head, the most common answer I have ever gotten professionally and personally is time. Breaking down time management is difficult for people which is fine and Ive also used this in anot...

Sweet Summer Time

Its getting to my favorite time of year, SUMMER is ALMOST HERE!!  Family, friends, gatherings, vacations, being on the water with the jet ski, the pool, loosing track of time while doing everything outside because its nice out.  Lets chat a minute about staying hydrated and eating while your out and about!  Hot summer days means you will sweat more loosing more salts in your body that your body needs.  Make sure to drink plenty of water while your outside and also some folks may want to look into Salt tablets so you can replenish your salts! A good rule of thumb is for every hour your outside ( being active ) you need 8 more OZ of water to take in, if your being inactive you still should add water to your daily intake 4 oz or so is a good starting point!  Also, make sure to eat frequent light meals during the summer if you plan on being outside for prolonged amounts of time.  Fruits, Veggies, Carbs and Proteins are essential to summer time, most of these ca...

Work Outs

Last week I ran or walked 3 miles a day since we have so much going on at home and to be honest I hate going to the gym everyday for cardio, LIFTING is different!  I want to post my work outs for people just so they know what I do Every 3 weeks I change my routine and the order of which i do muscle movements to in turn GIVING MY BODY A CHANGE why do you ask... well if you don't things be come repetitive and your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over and you begin to eat through your muscle and not have gains! I eat ALOT 5 or 7 times a day, I literally snack all day long, I hate eating full meals so I have to snack to keep me going after every work out its protein and veggies then 2 hours later i have a carb being a sweet potato or a rice cake with some cream cheese on it, 2 hours after that I have like fruit and veggies, 2 hours later I have dinner which is always a protein a carb and veggies, before bed I like crackers and peanut butter.... OH yeah I've ...



Spiritual Practices

In my area of practice I talk a lot about spiritual practice with clients, I would like to re visit this with you all.  A spiritual practice can be anything from sitting in silence in the woods, to your backyard hammock, or your religious beliefs in a sacred place.  I don't label myself as religious but I have talked about a place I take my jet ski to in the summer time.  Ive recently found a spot in our neighborhood that I love walking to it over looks the river with a very long dock, which the lady that owns the property doesn't mind you sitting there.  Spots like this are few and very far between for me they have to be perfect for me to sit there for a bit and just relax. So the take away message is you might not follow and religion but to have a practice you follow just by being with nature and unplugging for a bit is just the same thing, where you can sit and gather yourself and your thoughts.  I call them my hiding spots, so happy findings in your own SPO...


Recently I have noticed more and more people who feel the need to compete with their peers.  This behavior drives me crazy, on one hand we have a person whose so proud of themselves for accomplishing something big in their lives but the so called peers turn into a ball of negativity for some reason or another.  In other words the negative peers now feel a need to compete with the others to prove themselves. Why do people think like this instead of using that person as a positive example in life?  When did life become about the car you drive, the money you make/the job title, and the relationships you have?  Why cant people understand that if you put fourth just a little bit of effort into anything that it will come back to you in a positive manner?  Why can't life be what is supposed to be about creating a positive environment for yourself and your family, its not about comparison of this person has that and I don't,  its about so much more than the petty d...

Synchronicity have you ever noticed it?

The term SYNCHRONICITY refers to like minded people who are coming together, you are what you attract or it could be an event and time in your life to bring a meeting of another soul. Have you ever taken the time to think about synchronicity in your life?  Its not something that is often discussed but, the people that you meet are generally in the same place and have a similar story to yours.  Another example is like minded people, there are some people who are bubbly or more subtle or energetic those energies usual connect to one another.  Now think about the events in your life, people go in search of opinions heres the catch people search out the opinions of others and they generally go with the people who already have the same opinion as them thus being like minded.  This is why and how people attract certain people.  Its pretty cool if you think about it!  So the next time you meet someone going through the same things at the same time give synchroni...

what led me to health coaching

I created my successes, my partial failures  though they were all learning experiences and life lessons all by trial and error.  I knew from a young age I wasn’t just one thing I was very multi passionate about many different things in life.  I started my journey in Culinary School Johnson & Wales University (JWU ) in 2003.  Starting out I was extremely passionate about nutrition and helping people eat better so I went on to a dietary aide position in my internship and through the rest of the years during my associates degree  ( summer of 2005 ) I worked a dietary aide line in a nursing home.  On the days off I had I worked the hot line side alongside some brilliant chefs to gain more experience within the culinary fields.  I went on to start out my junior year at JWU on a new campus in Charlotte,NC the land of the free no family near by and nothing but free time after school.  the first 3 months I was there started out rather slow and I was ...

Ramblings In My Head!

We all have a STORY. We all think this story is who we are but really they’re only events that have happened to us in the past, which we use to CREATE OUR STORY to tell others. Instead of looking at the positive side of every situation we turn it into we don’t have this because of this; I’m not succeeding because of this; I’m not good at whatever it is. Things come to us to teach us that are really out of our control but they are used to teach us things about ourselves and our life.  Do not let your past dictate your happiness, which brings me to my second point.   Secondly, we forget to live life; we get so caught up in working for money so we have things that we can pay for,  we forget to LOVE OUR WORK. Happiness within yourself is very hard to achieve. For most of us we have to really work on knowing what makes us happy or makes us tick. It’s the same with work; if your work isn’t interesting to you and you’re not enjoying your day,  then maybe that job isn’t f...

Fun Fact of Eggs!!

Recently, I was at the store and a woman whom I had no idea who she was ( someone who worked there ) kept saying that EGGS were a DAIRY PRODUCT, common misconception by the public.  The misconception comes from the eggs being kept in the dairy section of the super markets.  Dairy products come from a mammary gland and chickens don’t have those.  Eggs are a protein that have been pasteurized so they require refrigeration. ( US Law requires this to be sold in stores it removes any contamination the egg might carry like salmonella etc ) . If you buy fresh local eggs and the farm doesn’t wash them, there is no reason to refrigerate them until they are washed. ( most people wash there eggs so that actually can break down the shell so the actual egg isn’t protected any longer to the best of the shells ability)  Additionally did you know that its generally 45 days after the egg has been produced that you see it arrive in the grocery stores, that eggs can been used up to a ...

Positive Relationships

The older I've become, the more and more I find this valuable in my own life.  I've met so many people on so many different journeys in life, some of them have influenced me positively, some negatively, and some a mix of both.  A positive relationship is about mutual respect.  If you cannot respect the other person then the relationship is null and void.   I realize that this is all normal and a very common growing pain for most young adults.  I find that in life people are put there to teach you something about yourself.  For example: while I was growing up and through my twenties, most of my friends and I are no longer close. It doesn't mean we're not friends, it just means that over time we've grown apart and its no longer necessary or realistic to talk to them on a daily basis.  This is all part of life and growing and it is completely normal to (at one point or another) feel alone in life when you're really not alone at all.  Most of the peo...

Natural Sleep Cycle

Most of Americans don’t sleep nearly enough as they should.  All of us humans have these wonderful things calls TV, cell phones and computers to keep us up till all hours of the night.  Im a person who needs a ton of sleep to get anything done, literally I nap in the middle of the afternoon daily for about 20 minutes not a lie.  Our brains go a million miles a minute, jumping from one thing to another on websites, emails, video games ect.  When we’re not on the computer its the cell phone or the TV.  All of these things create a light within them and this light messes with our natural sleep rhythms.  Sleep is just as important as eating properly, they actually go hand in hand. Sleeping is one of the things that has proven data that helps people loose weight and keep it off.  Most people get a second wind through out their day as well for me its about 6 PM since I get up rather early and by 730 Im ready to unwind for the night.  Though I watch TV ...

Is Health Coaching for You?

Recently people ask what I do as a health coach.  To put it simply I teach people how to live a happy, healthy, balanced lifestyle.  I then often get the question but HOW after this.  In sessions we discuss things like career, relationships, goals for the future, spirituality, Physical Activity and also eating habits just to name a few.  This generally starts out with a Health History form you fill it out and we discuss it at a later date, then we decide if health coaching could help you in your own life.  Making small changes in your life to create the balanced lifestyle you’d like to have My main goal with health coaching is to bring happiness, healthy balanced lifestyles to each person I come in contact with.  So if you think health coaching is for you or your interested in hearing about more and unlocking you’re own key to health and happiness please feel free to contact me.   Keep It Positive in 2016 Ple...

The Idea of Perfection

Were all human and everyone presents this perfect life when in reality no one can do everything perfectly.  So why do we have this fear of being bad or imperfect?  Why do we as humans think being perfect is necessary?  We all have this conception during life.  So I empower you to be bad without risk of going to jail.  But do something that makes you chuckle or indulge in something that you never get to do.  As a health coach people would probably think that Im not indulgent but this is far from the truth ( lets see I make ridiculous golf shots a lot and then can’t even hit the ball so I’m not perfect but I love GOLFING, my punctuation is crappy along with my grammar, I go to starbucks at least 2 times a week, I cuss regularly because I find it hilarious to say bad words, I sometimes put off cleaning the house for days because well I dunno I think my time is better spent elsewhere ).  In my early years I would prank my parents all the time ( though now...

Whats Your Happy

I'm writing about this because I've noticed many people seem to get the definition of happiness:   hap·pi·ness ˈhapēnəs/ noun the state of being happy. "she struggled to find happiness in her life" synonyms: pleasure ,  contentment ,  satisfa ction , cheerfulness,  merriment ,  gaiety ,  joy ,joyfulness,  joviality,  jollity ,  glee ,  deli ght , good spirits, lightheartedness, well -being ,  enjoyment ; confused with MATERIAL ITEMS THAT PEOPLE USE TO HELP MAKE THEM 'FEEL' HAPPY (the things you think make you happy because you can afford to buy them).  Material happiness buys objects for people and for that moment they can say how "happy" those items make them feel.  Happiness within a person is completely different. People cannot BUY happiness, they have to re-evaluate their lives.  This includes people's careers, families, friends, homes, these all need to be in a positive ...

Are You Eating Enough?

This topic comes from the wise old tale of if you eat less but exercise more you will lose weight… FAIL, NO, WTF, OMG……  Let me explain this.  If you eat less and workout more you’re creating a calorie deficit in theory, but your body is in starvation mode.   Further more if your running or walking for that matter daily 3 miles or more, plus lifting you will have to consume more to maintain……  Still with me?  So to all my readers that are gym goers let me ask you find yourself in a RUT with losing the weight, not seeing the gains you want, are you hungry all the time?  Chances are you’re not eating enough food to sustain your body so then your body eats the muscle so you will not make any gains or fat loss.  Eating no carbs is awful for your body, 100 to 150 grams of carbs a day is optimal for anyone ( carbs is the main fuel source is wanting to maintain and it becomes the back up fuel source when wanting to BURN FAT ).  Im not saying eat c...

How You Feel About Yourself is an Inside Job, Make Yourself a Priority

Recently Ive noticed more and more how I feel about myself.  Im loving the progress in the gym, I love my businesses, I have a life that is truly wonderful ( yes I have bad days just like everyone else ) but in general Im extremely happy and if Im not I try and fix things or work on them until my end goal is reached.  Ive started to notice that the more I take care of myself the better I feel.  I have a weakness for clothes they are expensive but there is nothing like a great pair of jeans and a swipe of mascara that doesn’t make me a happy girl just something about it turns my day around always.  So how do you celebrate yourself?  Do you allow yourself that one sweet treat?  Pay yourself compliments?  Buy yourself flowers or clothes what ever your vice is remember to celebrate you because theres only one of you, take the time for yourself on a weekly basis regardless of how others feel about it silly or not if its important to you, you will make this...

What are your Intentions for the day?

This week I want to ask you all about INTENTIONS/PRIORITIES.  In short this means to make a plan to do something but how many of us really follow through?  How many of us really take the time needed to get things done on a daily basis?  I love this exercise that I do with clients it brings fourth so many things that really are daily items that we all should be doing in life.  Im not perfect at this but every day I write my daily intentions/ priorities on a list to make sure that Im getting them all done and also I hold myself accountable.  Like many of us out there we don’t have a ton of hours packed into the day for down time but Ive found writing these lists have been extremely helpful for me.  Interestingly enough I used to say I dont have time to get things done, but wait 24 hours is a very long time, the same time of everyones day.  After I write down my intentions/priorities.  Keep the lists to 3-6 items a day, you’ll start to notice a patt...